The ego-function and sexuality in male and female patients with epilepsy
Aim: to study the sexuality aspects of the “Ego-function” in male and female patients with epilepsy.
Material and methods. A group of 102 respondents (52 patients diagnosed with epilepsy and 50 apparently healthy subjects) aged 19 to 45 years were examined with the help of a clinical interview and the Ammon’s Ego-Structure Test.
Results. We found significant differences between men and women with epilepsy when the patients were tested for “destructive anxiety”, “constructive outer ego-demarcation”, “deficient outer ego-demarcation”, “constructive sexuality”, and “deficient sexuality”. Also, significant differences were found between women in the “healthy” and “epilepsy” groups when they were scored for “destructive anxiety”, “deficit outer ego-demarcation”, and “deficient sexuality”. Likewise, significant differences were noted between men in these two groups when scored for “deficient aggression”, “constructive outer ego-demarcation”, and “deficient sexuality”.
Conclusion. Formation and maintenance of normal sexuality in patients with epilepsy is impaired by the disabled central Ego-functions.
About the Authors
V. G. SosninaRussian Federation
3 Bekhtereva ul., Sankt-Petersburg 192019, Russia
Sc (Psychology), Psychologist-in-Training, Continued Education Program in Clinical Psychology. Federal State Budget Institution “Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Neurology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
D. M. Saraykin
Russian Federation
3 Bekhtereva ul., Sankt-Petersburg 192019, Russia
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychodiagnostic. Federal State Budget Institution “Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Neurology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
L. V. Lipatova
Russian Federation
3 Bekhtereva ul., Sankt-Petersburg 192019, Russia
MD, PhD, Chief Researcher, Head of the Department of Organic Mental Disorders and Epilepsy. Federal State Budget Institution “Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Neurology, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
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For citations:
Sosnina V.G., Saraykin D.M., Lipatova L.V. The ego-function and sexuality in male and female patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions. 2018;10(2):19-25. (In Russ.)
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