Epilepsy combined with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome: a literature review and description of clinical cases
This article presents the anamnestic, clinical, electro-encephalographic and neuroimaging findings in 5 patients with epilepsy combined with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS). According to our data and the results of others, this combination has its specific characteristics. These include: a high incidence of epilepsy in patients with WHS (50-100% of cases), an early debut of seizures (mainly in the first year of life), fever-provoked seizures, and a variety of seizure types – focal paroxysms, bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, atypical febrile seizures, atypical absences and epileptic spasms. In addition, there may be frequent epileptic seizures tending toward status epilepticus, a slowing of the major EEG activity, a local EEG slowing (mainly in the posterior and bi-frontal areas), and regional / multiregional epileptiform activity. In more than 50% of cases, the diffuse peakwave activity is observed; the broad spectrum anti-epileptic drugs are highly efficient in 80% of cases. Based on this study, we propose recommendations for the management of patients with epilepsy combined with WHS.
About the Authors
M. B. MironovRussian Federation
Mikhail B. Mironov – MD, PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Video-EEG Monitoring.
13/32 prospekt Andropova, Moscow 101100.
N. V. Chebanenko
Russian Federation
Natalya V. Chebanenko – MD, PhD, Head, Department of General Psychoneurology.
38 Aviatorov Str., Moscow 119620.
S. O. Ayvazyan
Russian Federation
Sergey O. Ayvazyan – MD, PhD.
38 Aviatorov Str., Moscow 119620.
38 Aviatorov Str., Moscow 119620.
S. A. Vladimirova
Russian Federation
Svetlana A. Vladimirova – MD, Neurologist.
2/2 Lenina, Lobnja 141730, Moscow regio.
K. V. Osipova
Russian Federation
Karina V. Osipova – MD, PhD, Head, Department of Psychoneurology.
38 Aviatorov Str., Moscow 119620.
S. G. Burd
Russian Federation
Sergey G. Burd – MD, PhD, Professor at the Chair of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Pediatrics.
1 Ostrovityanova Str., Moscow 117997.
Yu. V. Rubleva
Russian Federation
Yulia V. Rubleva – MD, PhD, Head, First Department of Neurology; Chair of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Pediatrics.
1 Ostrovityanova Str., Moscow 117997.
1-10 Ostrovityanova Str., Moscow 117997.
T. M. Krasilshchikova
Russian Federation
Tatyana M. Krasilshchikova – Assistant, Chair of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Pediatrics.
1 Ostrovityanova Str., Moscow 117997.
V. G. Bychenko
Russian Federation
Vladimir G. Bychenko – MD, PhD, Head, Department of Diagnostic Radiology.
4 akademika Oparina Str., Moscow 117198.
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For citations:
Mironov M.B., Chebanenko N.V., Ayvazyan S.O., Vladimirova S.A., Osipova K.V., Burd S.G., Rubleva Yu.V., Krasilshchikova T.M., Bychenko V.G. Epilepsy combined with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome: a literature review and description of clinical cases. Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions. 2018;10(4):39-52. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.17749/2077-8333.2018.10.4.039-052
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