Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the main non-invasive methods for examining brain activity. Cranial defects caused by trauma or surgery can lead to artifacts on the EEG such as breach-rhythm. In this article we provide a literature-based definition, pathophysiological features of the breach-rhythm, differential diagnosis between breachrhythm and epileptiform activity, as well as our own clinical case of a patient with epilepsy and breach-rhythm.
About the Authors
M. B. MironovRussian Federation
Mikhail B. Mironov – MD, PhD, Leading Researcher, Department of Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Diseases
RSCI SPIN-code: 1144-7120
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
S. D. Burd
Russian Federation
Sergey G. Burd – Dr. Med. Sc., Professor, Chair of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Therapy, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
RSCI SPINcode: 1484-0178
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
N. V. Kukina
Russian Federation
Nina V. Kukina – Junior Researcher, Department of Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Diseases
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
Yu. V. Rubleva
Russian Federation
Yulia V. Rubleva – MD, PhD, Senior Researcher, Department of Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Diseases
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
O. O. Kordonskaya
Russian Federation
Olga O. Kordonskaya – MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
I. V. Senko
Russian Federation
Ilya V. Senko – MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
A. V. Yurchenko
Russian Federation
Anna V. Yurchenko – Neurologist
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
M. A. Bogomazova
Russian Federation
Maria A. Bogomazova – Neurologist
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
R. T. Tairova
Russian Federation
Raisa T. Tairova – MD, PhD, Deputy Director for Medical Work, Chief Physician
1 bld. 10 Ostrovityanov Str., Moscow 117997
Kh. A. Dzhabrailova
Russian Federation
Khedi A. Dzhabrailova – 6th year Student
8/2 Trubetskaya Str., Moscow 119991
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For citations:
Mironov M.B., Burd S.D., Kukina N.V., Rubleva Yu.V., Kordonskaya O.O., Senko I.V., Yurchenko A.V., Bogomazova M.A., Tairova R.T., Dzhabrailova Kh.A. Breach-rhythm. Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions. 2021;13(2):140-146. (In Russ.)
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