
Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions

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Clinical case of a patient with focal cortical dysplasia IIa adjacent to the speech center: diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms


A clinical case of a patient with pharmacoresistant epilepsy due to focal cortical dysplasia (PCD) directly adjacent to the speech zone in the left temporal region is presented. The diagnostic search and transition from MRI-negative form to structural focal epilepsy progressed for more than 6 years. It was accounted for by the fact that type IIa vs. IIb FCD is visualized much worse, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signs of type IIa FCD are not so prominent, so that this type of dysplasia is often omitted. Functional research methods in epileptology, such as video-electroencephalography monitoring, brain positron emission tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, functional MRI of speech zones, allow to more accurately verify the form of epilepsy and determine a scope of surgical treatment. Surgical intervention in carefully selected patients may contribute to favorable outcome of epilepsy (Engel 1, 51-months follow-up), which will lead to improved quality of life.

About the Authors

N. V. Muzhikina
Bechtereva Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Nadezhda V. Muzhikina – MD, PhD, Head of Center for Epileptology and Video-EEG Monitoring

WoS ResearcherID: CAH-2597-2022; RSCI SPIN-code: 2718-4327

9 Academician Pavlov Str., Saint Petersburg 197376

N. Yu. Koroleva
Bechtereva Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Nadezhda Yu. Koroleva – Researcher, Laboratory of Stereotactic Methods, Executive of Center for Epileptology and Video-EEG Monitoring

RSCI SPIN-code: 7016-9057

9 Academician Pavlov Str., Saint Petersburg 197376

V. R. Kasumov
Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
Russian Federation

Vugar R. Kasumov – Dr. Med. Sc., Professor, Chair of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics

RSCI SPIN-code: 2118-4417

2 Litovskaya Str., Saint Petersburg 194100

P. V. Pushnoy
Sergey Berezin Medical Institute
Russian Federation

Pavel V. Pushnoy – Head of Department of Neurology and Epileptology, Sergey Berezin Medical Institute

24-26/19-21 6th Sovietskaya Str., Saint Petersburg 194100

A. D. Korotkov
Bechtereva Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Alexander D. Korotkov – MD, PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Neuroimaging

WoS ResearcherID: K-3652-2018; Scopus Author ID: 7103063229; RSCI SPIN-code: 6515-2014

9 Academician Pavlov Str., Saint Petersburg 197376

I. A. Kotomin
Bechtereva Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Ivan A. Kotomin – PET/CT Engineer, Radiology Department

Scopus Author ID: 57211890254; RSCI SPIN-code: 1127-0808

9 Academician Pavlov Str., Saint Petersburg 197376

M. V. Kireev
Bechtereva Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Maxim V. Kireev – Dr. Biol. Sc., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Neuroimaging

WoS ResearcherID: I-2319-2014; Scopus Author ID: 23091140300; RSCI SPIN-code: 4699-8496

9 Academician Pavlov Str., Saint Petersburg 197376


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For citations:

Muzhikina N.V., Koroleva N.Yu., Kasumov V.R., Pushnoy P.V., Korotkov A.D., Kotomin I.A., Kireev M.V. Clinical case of a patient with focal cortical dysplasia IIa adjacent to the speech center: diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. Epilepsy and paroxysmal conditions. 2022;14(4):344-354. (In Russ.)

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